About Us.

My name is Anna, I am a co-founder and President of Bon Marche. e-kawa is a unit of Bon Marche. I am a coffee drinker. I started looking for a good cup of coffee for my morning. My husband who was traveling back and forth from Sonoma, California to Rwanda, brought us a selection of World coffees, including two Rwandan coffee bags, and I was hooked. From then on, he was advised to never come back without a good amount of Rwandan coffee.

 Bon Marche is a non-profit organization. It has a store in Sonoma. We decided to start selling Rwandan coffee, first in our store, then here online as a way to share it with the world and as a way to help Rwandan farmers who grow it. Bon Marche is a partner of Gardens for Health International (GHI), a US-based non-profit organization that seeks to provide agricultural solutions to the problem of chronic childhood malnutrition.

Our best Rwandan coffee find is Gorilla's Coffee.

 e-kawa, a unit of Bon Marche,

19405 Riverside Dr., Sonoma, CA 95476, (707) 933-9613 bonmarchesonoma@gmail.com

If you are a distributor of coffee and you want to sell to your customers Gorilla's Coffee, we want to talk to you, send us your contact information. We have some good deal for distributors.
